Saturday, October 08, 2005

Taxing times (OMFG that is a bad title)

A big shout out to the peeps who read this site - Herangerman, Aleks, the IRS, etc.

Why is the IRS looking at this page?

"08 Oct, Sat, 01:12:52 - - MSIE 6 - Windows XP"
According to the tracker.

Probably a good segue to the "Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents:"
By Reporters without Borders. (replace without with sans at your leisure)

Lot's of information about how to blog well, and anonymously - big issue really.

Back to the Internal Revenue Service, why do you need a web crawler? Is this because I used the name 'Cheney'? Surely that can't be it.. Hmm.. Seems if you do a search for "watermelon tax evasion" I'm number one.

Let me make myself clear for the next cache update - I do not, and will never support the evasion of any taxes placed on watermelons, or any fruit or vegetable.

In summary, watermelon tax evasion is fraud, any is not supported by this site or it's author.


At 8:09 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...


How did you find out that the IRS was scanning your site?

Is this some sort of federal google type effort to track down rogue vendors of fruit based products?

Harrangueman is now scared and is running into the shed to tell luigi the revenuers are coming and to close down the still.

At 9:22 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

I gots me a tracker, all the cool kids have got one. It works like an aboriginal tracker, only without the body odour (rolls eyes).

At 10:48 pm, October 09, 2005, Blogger Cthu1hu said...

I'd be right chuffed if some foreign government department had been sniffing around my website. Just think of the cudos if ASIO or even better the CIA had been looking at your sage words just in case you mentioned "suicide bomber" or started declaring jihads on their arses?

Besides which, no-one is worth taking seriously unless they actually leave a comment. What sort of avatar do you reckon the IRS would have?

At 10:52 pm, October 10, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

Is this what made you change your photo? Watermelon on the run?

At 11:16 pm, October 10, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Oh crap don't say jihad, now the feds are gonna be all over the site. It's not as if being a peace-loving tree-hugging pacifist love-thy-neighbour (such as myself) makes much of a difference nowadays either.

I imaging the IRS would have an avatar so obvious it'd stick out like a sore thumb. Plus they'd make comments like "so.. tax fraud eh.. anyone got any good bragging to do about their efforts?"

The photo change is a long time coming. I always looked at my little picture and thought: when I look in the mirror, I really don't see fruit. It's just not me. I don't even eat fruit.

So, Jello Biafra it is.

At 11:22 pm, October 11, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

It's an interesting choice of visual representation...

Better not mention bomb manual either - or you'd really be cooked.

At 12:17 am, October 12, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

Oh I can see a Jello link with fruit: Caro di pina.

Nothing whatever to do with Osama bin Ladin or Al Jazeera or Free Refugees, or that terrorist tax fraud cell group I'm thinking of starting...

At 12:30 am, October 12, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Oh fan-friggin-tastic, that's just great. I'll just lock myself up shall I? Save national security the trouble?

Bastards. I'm gonna squeal like a piggy too, I'll have you know.

You do realise this post is actually linked from one of the Blogger Buzz main-blog posts thing.

I got no idea what a Caro di pina is.

At 10:02 am, October 14, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

Um... a song... from the Power of Lard EP... Did I confuse my Jello Biafras? Must ave.

At 12:23 am, October 26, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

Cara de Pina - pineapple face

At 7:13 pm, October 26, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Ahh yes, I eventually found the reference, not a massive fan of the Lard works - more of DK.


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