Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Random bits of nonsensicals.

Wahoo - bits of the ocean are starting to glow for some strange reason. That fills me with the sort of confidence one can only have with FUCKING WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!?


Does it uh.. yknow.. normally do that? Yknow - the GLOWING SO FREAKIN BRIGHT IT SHOWS UP ON A SATELLITE IMAGE!?!?

It's a quarter of a million meters in length. Bright enough to be seen from the stratosphere. Aurora Arabialice?

Anyone remember the end scene of The Abyss? But we haven't made any new nuclear... oh wait.. oh dear. Oh tsunamis.. Oh. *X-files music*


"Vancouver is the world's most desirable place to live"

The best ten: "Vancouver, Melbourne, Vienna, Geneva, Perth, Adelaide, Sydney, Zurich, Toronto, Calgary"

Yes, 4 in Australia, 3 in Canada, 2 it Switzerland, 1 in Austria

Publicly funded health care anyone?

"The EIU study assessed nearly 40 indicators in five broad categories -- stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure"

C'mon Howard - you've knocked Melbourne down one notch - you can do better.


Stability - A+ Massive public protests, and nationwide fear grips the nation, police state implementations. OK Howard, you've done well here to destabilize.

Healthcare - C- What happened to getting rid of bulk billing and Medicare altogether? You know it shits you, stop letting the free-loaders, who pay taxes and aren't really free-loaders, getting a non-free ride and let them rot in the waiting room or whatever it is you want them to do.

Culture - C+ Where is the attack on the arts? C'mon son, where are your priorities?

Environment - B- Pretty fucked up, but could be fucked more.

Education - D+ Why do we have free education? We can't go down the list of cities people want to live in without further Liberal Party ideals being thrust upon us - nice work with the with-holding states funding. Oh, and VSU, slip Barnaby a bone or something, those Nationals people ARE your lap dogs aren't they?

Infrastructure - A- The phones don't even run on time. Wait, that doesn't make sense.


If God made us in his image - are we to scale, and if not - is it HO scale? Or million:1?

And if we are born with defects, does that point to the fallibility of God?

If we are born with a pre-disposition for violence and cruelty, made in His image, what does that make him? What does that make US if we manage to calm primitive urges? Better than God?

Parents always want a better life for their children, and are happy when they excel in areas they can't or are better people than they had the chance to be - is God an arsehole, and is he impressed and a bit teary when we turn out all nice and caring despite his shitty genes?

If you go through the Bible and change all references to deities to Mother Nature, would it change the meaning?


I love these quiz things, sometimes they actually say things...

You scored as Paganism. Your beliefs are most closely aligned with those of paganism, Wicca, or a similar earth-based religion. You may also follow a Native American religion.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

You scored as Green. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

NOTE: How far removed a Communist is from a Green, etc.

ALSO NOTE: 100% Green, at least I got it right eh? No wonder I'm so happy with my choice.

Link for religion finder here.
Link for political quiz here. Cut and pasted the code, not sure why it linked back to blogger.


At 11:16 pm, October 06, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Ocean thing? Any ideas on what that freaking was yet?

As for the god thing. That reminds me of an excellent 80's Twilight Zone. An alien warfleet arrives full of looks like us aliens. Turns out we were put here as an experiment. They remark on the sorry state of earth politics and say 'you have two weeks to sort this out or we destroy you.' Frantic diplomacy occurs. World peace is achieved. The aliens come back. 'You fools, you were supposed to fight unto the death to determine which nation was the most warlike and could be used for our armies'. Cue one zapped earth.

Interesting religious snapshot. I guess I better follow that link...

At 11:20 pm, October 06, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Hey man - those quiz links are all whacked. They keep directing me back to blogger.

At 11:33 pm, October 06, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Links at the bottom on the post now. Silly thing. (Do the political one too, I wanna see what you get!)

No idea what the glowing thing was, bacteria or something.

At 1:18 am, October 07, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

maybe its a big jelly fish

At 1:19 am, October 07, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

blue green algae type thing?

At 1:47 am, October 07, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

I'm a Christian anarchist, BTW

At 7:56 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Chistian Anarchist? Like you're really angry about the crucifician?

At 8:05 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Wow - I nearly tied with Islam (I had a tie breaker question). That's freaky. Probably because of that women get to control sex thing since my wife, the naughty minx, has a far lower libido than me and I just get bitter sometimes.

You scored as atheism.

You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.



















At 9:09 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Sarah said...

Seeing as I still don't have any idea what my religious persuasion is, I was pretty curious to see what box the quiz would put me in...

agnosticism 96%

atheism 71%

Islam 63%

Satanism 46%

Buddhism 42%

Paganism 42%

Judaism 42%

Hinduism 21%

Christianity 17%

At 9:35 pm, October 08, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Mikey, not all anarchists are angry, well, they are at 'the system' I suppose. Anarchy is like democracy on 'roids.. if muscles were freedoms.

Well that metaphor didn't work.

I choose to find humour in the suggestion that islam is closely related to atheism. Don't tell the fundies.

I think it's also humourous to see the religion you get the lowest score in. Satanism beat Judaism and Hinduism for me - that's a bit harsh, I'd prefer the devil to Moses or the multi-limbed elephant? Don't think so.

It's typical, everyone else get's good ones - atheist (no god), agnostic (maybe god), Christian (hippy Jesus god), and I get crappy paganism - of which I know nothing.

At 11:00 pm, October 09, 2005, Blogger Cthu1hu said...

Is there anything that suggests this eerie glow is actually in the ocean? Maybe it's a UFO? Or a smudge on the satellite lens? Spawning plankton? (marsh gas? A weather balloon...)

I went and got religion. Kinda what I expected, although I wouldn't have chosen Satanism as my equal first...

You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.

atheism - 83%
Satanism - 83%
Paganism - 75%
agnosticism - 75%
Islam - 67%
Buddhism - 58%
Christianity - 33%
Judaism - 25%
Hinduism - 17%

At 11:30 pm, October 11, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Well I'm a lapsed Christian, raised C of E (for the most part). So I admit I struggle now and then to define what it is I believe.

So far, in regards to creation, the most logical what created the universe I've come across is an episode of Dr Who where he dumped a nuclear power plant about to go critical into 'before time', which set off the big bang.

And as far as time travel movies go, the ones that make the most logical sense to me are the Back to the Future movies (hangs head in shame).

Although of course the mere fact of going back in time would diplace billons of atoms upon arrival which would have knock on effects like assassins bullets missing instead of hitting, and horses not winning races. So that Gambling book Biff got a hold of would have been a total fizzer.

That was an off tangent rant.

I am surprised at Techno's high level of satanism. It would explain the sacrifice of the chicken every monday night at his place...

Hey is the religious test anti semetic? I guess the only real applicable question is the Jesus is the messiah type one.

I wish they had a question like 'do you dig sidelocks'. Cause I would have said yes. They're kewl. Oiy !

At 12:23 am, October 12, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

Anarchy is like democracy on 'roids

LOL! That's brilliant.


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