Monday, June 19, 2006

Single Digits Galore

This is from Monday:

Time I went to sleep? 4
Time I got up? 7
Time of exam? 9
Temperature outside on way to exam? 2
Hours allowed for exam? 3
Hours exam completed in? 1
Temperature inside the house went I returned? 9

I love it when the feeling comes back into your fingers after the car heater defrosts them.
I love having only one exam next semester.
But Melbourne, I mean, c'mon, seriously, what's up with the weather? I'd ask the meteorologists, but they're all too busy building a shuttle to Mars with terraforming equipment. What's up with that?


At 7:19 pm, June 26, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...


I hate exams in a cold hall. It shits me.


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