Sunday, June 18, 2006

eBay charity

eBay. The popular chant is "you can buy/sell anything." And regardless of whether you buy that claim, you can now buy this...

A tour for two through the Styx valley - guided by Bob Brown. An auction to raise money as part of the Canberra Press gallery's Mid Winter Ball's charity donations.

There are other similar events for other popular pollies by the same seller.


At 7:00 pm, June 20, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

PETA bought an eBay dinner date Beyonce Knowles so they could harrangue her about wearing fur... the look on her face when they showed up must have been priceless!

At 8:31 pm, June 20, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...


"A video of the encounter shows a stunned Knowles unresponsive to the allegations and appealing to others in her group to react."

Hey, I hired you people to THINK for me damnit! I have no idea what "fur" is, what am I supposed to say here?

They're asking questions in a conversational, yet persistent tone, about issues I'd rather not acknowledge - eject them from my sight!

Help - they're attempting to prise me from my teat of ignorance.

At 12:22 am, June 21, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

She could have broken into 'my milkshake brings all the boys in the yard'.

That would put a stop to their heckling. And it's not even her song.


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