Monday, June 19, 2006

Right-wing Kindergarten

OK Kids, now what's all this ruckus?

Billy won't share the blocks.

Well, have you asked him nicely?


OK, now Billy, when someone asks us to share, what do we say?

Fudge off, you fiffy commyaniss.

That's right. Billy - "fudge off you filthy Communist." Good, help yourself to the Reward Jar. Now, Timmy - you have to accept your toy poverty - Billy's parents are full-fee payers, and you will always be poor, and a lesser person. Learn to know your place - at the bottom. Now, go sit on the Socialist Step, and think about what you will never do. You may only leave the step when Billy says so.


At 12:23 am, June 21, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

It's important of course they should realise that if they are in a lesser position on life's ladder it's because god hates them.

At 6:23 pm, June 21, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

That's right. Jesus said "Blessed be he who be higher on the ladder of wealth, and may he well kicketh those who eke a living in servitude unto him"

At 11:19 pm, June 21, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...


(my word veri is xwusy)


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