Thursday, March 02, 2006

John says thanks to those who made a difference.

John Howard: "...but I cannot accept any credit for maintaining government for a decade without thanking the two groups that have been fundamental to this pursuit.

Firstly, the real reason the Liberal party keeps getting re-elected. Without further ado, I would like to express my sincere appreciation of the Labor party.

Under the guidance of Kim, the ALP has performed many tasks vital to the Liberal party’s continued control. I am grateful for their failure on economic issues – without which an entire quarter of our comments during question time would have to be dedicated to deriding something else. I thank them for recognizing it would take ghastly economic policy to make our mangling seem to resemble good management by comparison alone.

I thank them for remaining silent on issues of importance, and for following the headlines of the day that we have raised. This can be seen to this day by the starkly contrasting questions asked by the minor parties and independents, a continuous reminder of Labor’s dedication to continued coalition leadership.

I commend and appreciate their abilities to convince many, but not all, trade union organizations to actively support them, and with striking the correct balance between giving the appearance of a worker-friendly party, but without giving in to demands of welfare, social justice, or industrial relations savagery.

Of course, this extends fully to all areas of politics. Labor are indeed the true masters of illusion, where a carbon copy, a facsimile, appears contrary. Maintaining enough votes to keep the dangerous minor’s from reaching practicality, but not enough votes to form government, is an art worth appreciating.

I am grateful for a brilliant man, who, when faced with impending election, can practically destroy all of his chances of becoming prime minister with a single flick of a handshake, Mr Latham.

Secondly, as prime minister of Australia, and as a neo-conservative, I feel obliged to admit that many of our policies could not have been introduced, and many issues could not be hidden, without the actions of violent fundamentalists.

If pathetic opposition parties, such as Labor, and spineless barbaric terrorists, had carefully planned ways to provide and maintain power and control to parties like the Liberals, their actions would be no different than of those we see today. We are the, appreciative, benefactors.”

John Howard celebrated the evening with a large number of people who attended for the sole purpose of currying favour. Bob Brown also celebrated his 10 years in the senate, but with his actual friends.


And from the ABC's AM program today:

"BOB BROWN: We're an opposition where very often the Labor Party provides none."

"BOB BROWN: I've sent John Howard a congratulations card, but I'm not holding my breath to get one back."

"...when I first got in here John Howard offered me a cup of tea and I went and saw him for an hour and I think he pretty quickly learnt he wasn't on the same wavelength with me. I've moved on from the 1950s, whereas he was still stuck there.

"But I'll offer him a cup of tea and have offered him a cup of tea in the card I've sent and we'll see. I'll keep him a piece of chocolate cake."

Available here - I recommend the mp3 - hilariously true comments.


At 8:50 pm, March 05, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Now now, leave uncle Kimmy alone. He's facing a shitty job and we all know it.

Let's remove.

15th year of a good economy; practically impossible to shift govt out in those terms.

A rise of 10% of swinging voters to near 25% for who the economy is the main driver in terms of vote - or rather what selfish motivations they are given for voting (cough, part A and part B).

Having to heal oneself. The ALP went into opposition with a shit load of factional baggage and pettiness to deal with. And it's still dealing with. It happened to the libs for their entire time in opposition too - with Howard, Peacock, Howard, Hewson, Downer, and Howard all having stabs at ruling an unhappy opposition. Indeed, in 1995 commentators wandered if it was the end of the Liberal party given all the stabbing going on. It happens.

Unfortunately, not everyone loves the greens. I love the greens - and I'm a paid up member of the ALP. The greens (with the surviving dems) represent the much derided latte socialists I've been hearing about. And if I drank lattes and had money I'd likely be one. Alas, while I support 99% of greens policies, they ain't going to win government. To me the ideal would be ALP in the lower house and the Greens/Dems with balance in the upper house. It'd be pragmatic socialist principles below, with the above making sure that morality was in play

Beazley is a smart man. But he's got a lot of baggage and like Howard he does not get free airplay. The only time he really gets freebies is Question Time. And our parliament sits for maybe 60 days a year. And lets not forget Senate inquiries got slammed down by the coalition - which used to be the way the ALP and the Dems and Greens got to shine when they took this shitty government to task.

Does the ALP need new go getters ? You bet. Does it need to attract people that the Libs seem to get no worries ? Sure they do. Do the ALP at the end of the day have a heart and a social concience far greater than large L Liberals? Yeppers.

So, we have two main parties. Vote labor over Liberal and Oz will be a happier place for it. Now the trick is convincing those McMansion owning fuckers to put their kids future ahead of their own four car owning present.

At 10:51 pm, March 05, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

All good points, and for some reason I feel I should apologize for lambasting Labor as I do, perhaps that’s wrong. (To feel apologetic I mean.)

“Alas, while I support 99% of greens policies, they ain't going to win government. (Therefore I will vote Labor.)”

Alas, while I support 50% of Labor policies, they ain't going to win government. Therefore I will vote Liberal? Vote in the party most likely to win? You pick the horse you think is most likely to win, not the political party.

One should only vote Labor over the Greens to save us from further Liberal destruction if they seriously believe there is going to be a major difference between the two majors. And I really do struggle to find that major difference, it’s subtle at best, and quite frankly, the reverse is true here in Victoria far too often.

Labor government with Greens holding the balance is best case scenario currently, but they really do need to provide something remotely resembling alternative policy.

Listen to question time – when Labor asks the Libs a question, their blatant hypocrisy gets pointed out time and time again, when others ask, they have nowhere to run.

And Kim needs to hand over the reigns to Australia’s next Prime Minister (Gillard) as early as possible; else the next one will be from the coalition.

At 12:01 am, March 09, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

I do like Gillard. She makes me feel funny up here and down there.


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