Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Entering a world of Chene

OK, more obligatory lefty poking-of-the-fun-at-Cheney:

(And this has probably been done to death, no pun intended, and done better, but I'm doing it anyways - I noticed afterwards The Daily Show has the same idea.)

Now, Dick & Co. didn't seem to find all this very newsworthy, and (although it sounded like a threat to me) did give his permission for a local newspaper to run the story. But, if not for one chap, and his 'approval' to let us know, we wouldn't know.

Which, to me, raises the question: just how many people does Cheney shoot accidentally...

...per week?

Results from American opinion polls:

39% said: Around 5.
27% said: 10 or more.
19% said: Who cares, stop trying to make guns seem bad so you can steal my precious guns.
13% said: I feel if I spoke honestly (ie: against the administration) it would pose a threat to my business/life/children.
2% said: None.


At 7:35 pm, February 16, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...


My guns, my precious antique guns !


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