Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I started playing World of Warcraft. The following is a quick review:

Blizzard really have out done themselves with the first MMORPG to..

Ahh screw the review - it's sometimes fun but it takes up too much time and it's addictive.

Kids, don't do drugs, and for heavens sake, don't play Wow. You have education and life to experience, there are no real goals to achieve in a game.

Plus, you're clogging the servers for us old bastards who have nothing better to do but escape from the grind of life.. little shits.

Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.


At 12:08 pm, January 18, 2006, Blogger Justine said...

never heard of it.
anything like donkey kong?

At 11:01 pm, January 19, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Morton I blame you for this delicious cancer.

I so wish I could. But, like caffeine, I know if I buy it, it will come. Er, sorry, I mean be addictive.

I already have no sleep.

At 12:53 am, January 23, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

anything like donkey kong?
No, Donkey Kong is far less repetitive.

I knew the game was addictive, I knew it was incredibly time-heavy, but I figure it's an experience best judged by experience. 5 million active subscribers can't be wrong.

And it's not a trap - see, you pay for the game, and then you pay money to continue to play it, and it's specifically designed to get you hooked. I figure it is the perfect game for retirees - it gives them something to do whilst running out the clock, and keeps them off the streets.

There's a lot of female players also.


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