Sunday, December 11, 2005


If the coalition, especially but not exclusively the Nats, are the only party that stands up for the country constituents, and VSU hurts mostly country areas, shouldn't they be against it?

If VSU provides child care facilities, etc, to help raise and care for families, shouldn't the party that claims to represent families be against it?

If it is about choice, the students right to choose, why should they support facilities they don't use - why is there going to be funding with tax dollars - surely that robs EVERYONE of their right to choose whether to pay or not?


At 11:33 pm, December 11, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

The irony being that most of the new blood the nats get, is from the political process they enter into while at University.

Adios new blood. Hello stale blood.

Good on Barners for not voting for it. It was a struggle for him I bet.

Apparently when he was new in to the Senate Heffernan tried to get him to stay in the spare room at his place when in session. I guess so he could keep a close eye on.

Now that would be the original odd couple. Even better of Barners was seen to hillariously batter Heffers head with a fridge door.


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