Monday, December 05, 2005


There seems to be a few searches for Andrew Higgs turning up on my blog-step of late.

Seems he has a website:
Unfortunately, at the last google-check, this site was two results before his.

So go there, unless you want spurious entirely publishable (in News Ltd rags) Higgs gossip.

FUN FACT 1: Andrew Higgs has chosen to be is a self-proclaimed homosexual.

FUN FACT 2: He is also quite active in the Liberal Party.

FUN FACT 3: Facts 1 and 2 are true concurrently, despite the logical error that results.

FUN FACT 4: Fact 2 is/was correct until such time as he gets/got booted.

FUN FACT 5: Andrew was outspoken against the Young Lib's episode where upon they went on that crazy neo-conservative rampage, declaring jihad suggesting justified assassination of Balinese bombing bastards, ending mandatory gender equality in the party, their Dob-In-Brogden campaign, etc. In fact, he called them "absolutely disgusting and not consistent with the parliamentary policy platform". Good-o.

FUN FACT 6: Higgs dictates policies to his subordinates is a policy assembly delegate for the Victorian division of the Liberal Party.

FUN FACT 7: His website is like.. y'know that first website you made, the one that your ISP automatically set up for you, that only had 'asdf', 'hello i am a webpage!', and a bunch of buttons on it? Yeah, that one. Well that was better than his is so far.

Here is Andrew. You can tell the sexual preference by the flamboyant duds, and the political preference by the 'today - local council, tomorrow - the wooooooorld' stance.

And yes, I have finally bothered to figure out the HTML code for strike-outs. All the better to satire with.


At 10:00 pm, December 06, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

You COULD say 'I was reading an Australian blog about how a particular local political candidate was both a right-wing politician and also gay, and the blogger commented on how these create a logical error... had to be there'


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