Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Aus.Terrors - 17 = DoublePlusGood

In a surprise move last night, police decided to use anti-terrorism laws against possible terrorists, rather than the usual peace activist and ex-intelligence political dissenters.

A welcome change.

A few things though, it is quite convenient. I switched from channel 7 news when the 'reporter' made the comment "Prime Minister Howard is now completely vindicated for his recent legislation. Mr so-and-so, don't you agree?" "Yes, I agree, Howard is completely vindicated."

And I shit you not, changed to channel 9 news to immediately get this:
"Does this vindicate Mr Howard?"
Bracks: "Yes"

Can we ask the question - were the new laws of any use whatsoever? That would be slightly important in order to judge any vindication ideas.

From The Age:
"(Assistant Commissioner Graeme Morgan) would not comment when asked if an urgent amendment to Australia's anti-terror laws passed in federal parliament last week allowed them to carryo(sp - come on Fairfax pull your finger out) out this morning's raids"

Interesting point - SBS news had:
"The prime minister has claimed this vindicates his anti-terror laws"

Let's compare the points:
Seven: "Howard is now completely vindicated for his recent legislation"
SBS: "Howard now claims to be vindicated for his recent legislation"

Also, watching the scenes outside the court (channel 7 proudly claimed it was their man who got beaten which was a but upsetting), with the bashing of a camera man - is it just me, or does this bunch of hoodlums look more like a gang or criminal underworld group?

Are gangs terrorists? Is a muslim gang called a terrorist cell? Is the hoody religious attire?

Channel 7 or 9 had the quote that one of the men considered being a 'martyr' - a suicide bomber. Although, I think the suicide bomber bit was paraphrasing, Jesus and Ghandi were martyrs but not bombers, but they weren't exactly seeking revenge for the actions of infidels. We need a new word for martyrs, this one is officially stuffed. Damn terrorists.

Around 11 today I was listening to 3RRR with a co-worker, as they were asking for callers about the arrests and shooting, information at the time might have been a bit difficult to come by. The call went out for neighbours, anyone who could tell them what happened.

They had David Manne on for a bit, then commented on the lack of calls, then music.

And a bit more music.
And then the announcer, with what seemed to be a slight quiver in her voice, completely changed the subject, and simply announced some more songs.

The songs went for a spell of around 25 minutes - unprecedented, and at the time was quite disconcerting. What the hell was going on?

Eventually she came back, and announced a few more songs - it seemed like she was her normal self, but her voice still quavered at intervals, like a miniture shudder of the lungs from at attack of the nerves, and made a passing comment about the strangeness of the world in this day and age, 2005. Another bout of songs and she seemed entirely revived.

Kinda creeped me out, someone with shock in their voice is scary. Guess we'll never know, maybe she had a panic attack or something.

All up, arresting and charging fundamentalists is great - good work. Makes a nice change.


At 10:12 pm, November 08, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what happens after these guys face courts, and get their legal say.

Note that we need it of course. Commercial media has already tried and convicted them.

I can't wait for the headline.

'Brown people seek to blow up our brown land; bastards.'

Cause that's what the subtext here is.

I hate any brand of fundamentalists. Especially ones with access to chemicals (unspecified)

At 1:14 pm, November 09, 2005, Blogger Sarah said...

Commercial TV 'news' 'reporting' is a whole different world to that of ABC and SBS...

At 2:02 pm, November 09, 2005, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

The commercial news, a few items after the LARGEST COUNTER-TERRORISM OPERATION IN THE NATION'S HISTORY, had a story about a high-speed racing jet-boat flipping in some country or other.

It flipped, and made a huge splash!

They had nice crisp footage of it - even some from inside the cabin, oh man, I am so informed now, thank you commercial news.

At 8:59 pm, November 10, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Did they make you wait until after the ad break to find out if he survived?

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