Monday, October 24, 2005

R E S P E C T - just a little bit.

Disrespect to PM could lead to jail: Brown

"After this legislation is passed, if I urge you to be disaffectionate to Mr Howard and his government, that is illegal - potential jail sentence seven years," Senator Brown said.

So, once the legislation is passed, race to the nearest fridge and contact the authorities if anyone urges you to think any of the following thoughts:

Howard is a cunt.

Howard will always remain a cunt.

Howard hates workers.

Howard should be rectally probed by a marital aid for giants.

Howard is a little slimy shit.

Howard is a filthy rodent (no disrespect to rodents).

Howard thinks workers are scum.

Howard masturbates. With a rubber glove. Over pictures of men.

Howard has an aboriginal curse on him.

Howard hates Australia.

Howard should be spat at, should to opportunity present itself.

Howard - we don't love you anymore. It's you, not me.

Howard has worms and drags his bum on the ground like a dog.

Howard sucks his thumbs and has a security blanket.

Howard only likes white people.

Howard has a secret stash of various pornography deep within his sock drawer.

Howard wants people to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week.

Howard hates Jesus.

Howard went to public school.

Howard needs to be medicated, sedated and restrained.

Howard panders to the worst elements of the country.

Howard likes to bathe in the semen of workplace virgins.

Howard quite obviously has difficulties with sanity.

Howard - we never wanted you anyway, the coathanger thing just didn't work.

Howard has naught but disrespect for the common man.

Howard doesn't wash his hands after passing solids or water.

Howard has smelly feet.

Howard favors slavery.

Howard dislikes all humanitarian aspects of religion.

Howard kicks his dog.

Howard wants to be supreme ruler.

Howard is a cock-smoking fucktard dickhead.

Howard has an over-inflated ego.

Howard believes aboriginal society degenerating is doing the country a favour.

Howard has personal hygiene problems.

Howard has delusions.

Howard's g-spot is excited via stimulating his sphincter.

Howard fantasises about George W Bush, and how things are bigger in Texas.

Howard is going bald.

Howard has a booking, reserved in advance, for hell.

Howard has filthy fingernails.

Howard is a smarmy pompous little shit of a man.

Howard has never done a single days work in his life.

Howard hears voices.

Howard is the single most disliked PM in history.

Howard thinks it is hilarious that ignorant farmers think he's on their side.

Howard has a sadomasochist foot fetish.

Howard will be remembered as the man who destroyed the Liberal party.

Howard is a fungal growth on the genitals of our society.

Howard is an incompetent leader.

There we go, doing my bit for the country at large.
And now, speaking of 'at large' I have a date with the hills. *runs*