Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I had a bit of an argument today with an ex-electrician, and an electronics technician (as opposed to me, who has only read bits about electronics) about whether the 240 volts in our AC current is measured in RMS instead of peak voltage. This would make the peak voltage in the range of 300 odd, rather than 240 as peak, and 180 or so as RMS - I explained that I was quite sure that the 240 is RMS, I was told I was wrong, and that I think I know everything, and shut up.

I explained that I was going to check when I got home (it was at the end of the day). I did.

Preparations to gloat has begun.

Latham, has only got one ball.
Beazley, has two but VER-Y small.
Brown's, drag on the ground.
And Howard, has no balls, at all.

(I miss my car stereo, and must make my own music on the drive.)

How Google searches find your blog is fascinating and quite often hilarious, here are the searches that have brought people here:

"malcom turnbull" - have I commented on him - is malcom spelled correctly?
injecting watermelon - must be some sort of fetish.
DDT "mixed drink" - OK, that's just worrying.
watermelon wine - nice idea
2B - that's great, I get linked from a pencil type. That is a pencil type yeah?
herlad sun, simpson, values - must've been from someone who lost the URL.
"aboriginal medical care" - not sure if I can provide much information on that subject.
"two bugs stuck together" - LOL, I think.. LOL.. Crap that's funny. - I think that was me.
gta sa crack - Jeepers man, have you not figured out how to put game and copy and world together?
ATSIC dissolution - I don't think I blogged on that, probably should have.
RANT A houses - HAHA, wait, is that meant to be funny or just a spelling mistake?
"Kate Ellis" Labor OR Adelaide - Labor OR Adelaide? What the?
Khe Sahn" don walker" interviews - The mind boggles.
angelic devils - Surely there are better pages for angelic devils!
workplacechoices - I saw that, and it cracked me up.
workplacechoices - So I tried it..
‘I dug a hole dad - Musta been that Castle reference a while back.
"Double the Fist" - Yes, I miss it and try to find info on it too. Yes I do cry about it.
WorkPlaceChoices - Someone tried it because I told them to.


At 11:43 pm, October 19, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Is this applying those terms and the word "Watermelon"?

Curiosity is spiked...

At 6:38 pm, October 20, 2005, Blogger Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

I wonder if that was me...


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