The gigantic, intercontinental conspiracy to accuse pollution of having disastrous consequences.
Or, to put it into weasel words – The Great Global Warming Swindle.
Swindle is a nice word – conspiracy isn’t. So let’s say swindle, despite the claim the entire climate change thing is a big old lie.
But, this thing goes all the way to the top – the governments of the world – from Communists to Democracies, it’s ensnared the UN, it’s changing the world’s laws, companies and populations are being convinced, changing their ways, their light bulbs, the colour of their power, there is no doubt this swindle is going to affect every single one of us.
So call it what you claim it to be – a conspiracy. This thing is JFK, Roswell, the reptilian overlords and 911-truth tenfold. It is big, very big – and the only reason proposed by the theorists for this monumental deception is that it keeps the jobs of some scientists secure.
Now, some people get a bit upset when unionists might push for a strike of some kind to protect workers jobs – but putting fear into the minds of all of mankind has to be some new record in protectionism.
The great tragedy seems to be our willingness to accept our actions of consequences – when our goodwill and concern is being exploited.
If these scientists get their way, and end the debate on climate change, there would be no more research to be done, and they’d be out of a job. I’m not entirely sure how putting yourself out of a job can be considered to be protecting your job – but I have yet to find a denialist that acknowledges this contradiction.
I still haven’t seen Al Gore’s movie – he’s not a scientist, and neither are opinion columnists – I’m not impressed that scientists have to rely on such a mouthpiece, and I am steamed the politicians seem more interested in vote-grabs than doing what logic would suggest needs to be done. I have seen the Great Global Warming Swindle, and I have seen this brilliant and complete destruction of it.
I do recommend tuning in to the ABC tonight to check it out, but I am still a little confused how the BBC could have produced this terrible pile of dung.