Monday, November 14, 2005


Well it appears disaffection is on the way out, so we are left with no choice.

I urge affection towards the Government of the Commonwealth - that's right - affection.

Write a love letter to your local minister, don't forget the perfume and kiss-marks.

Blow kisses to them, or do that quick-lip-pucker, especially if you are of the same gender.

Mount your local member (HA!) - their leg, torso, parliamentary vehicle, whatever - it's about a show of affection.

Banners need only be adjusted, use the following as a guide:

So if showing affection provides you an erection before the next election,

fuck it - I urge disaffection, this is gay.


At 10:45 pm, November 15, 2005, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

That sounds like it should be a white stripes song.

Great posters man

At 4:52 pm, November 18, 2005, Blogger Justine said...

410,000 people dismissed by channel 10 as "a day for the unions". Not fooling nobody.


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