Sunday, May 28, 2006


The hard truths about eco-warnings:

Nuclear power is "greenhouse friendly" because it's better than coal.

Incandescent bulbs are "greenhouse friendly" because they use far less energy than burning stacks of newspapers to provide light.

CFC's are "greenhouse friendly" because they use far less energy than providing every home with a supply of liquid nitrogen to spray over their foodstuffs or air conditioning units.

CFC's are also "greenhouse friendly" because they are far more efficient in aerosol cans than running a 2-stroke diesel compressor for each can of deodorant.

Cars are "greenhouse friendly" because they use far less energy than raising a person into orbit with solid-fuel rockets, and then landing them where they want to be.

Hosing down the driveway is "greenhouse friendly" because it uses far less water than inciting a flood to clear off the leaf matter.

Electric heaters are "greenhouse friendly" because they use far less energy than warming a household or it's water tank with the heat emitted from a jet engine, even without using the afterburner during off-peak.

It's all relative. This relativity is important, because if world leaders and their ancestors had not bred with their relatives and produced idiotic offspring, we wouldn't have this problem.


At 11:57 pm, May 29, 2006, Blogger Justine said...

o, so friendly!

its almost as good as shopping.

for instance, on the weekend I saved on petrol, groceries, and alcohol.

if I added up all those savings, I think I'd be almost running at a profit!


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