Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Oh don't dredge the bay. I don't care. I'm sorry, I probably should, but I just don't. I was tempted to go to the rally on Sundee, but I just really don't care.

"I dug a hole, Dad"

That's how I see it. But I'm ignorant of the whole situation, I'm sure there's some good reasons for not doing it.

The only thing I was pissed about was when I thought 'there are other deep ports in other cities, there's always rail to bring stuff in, and why exactly do we need such massive ships anyway? Is this so we can import (obviously it's not for exporting, I'm sure the ships are barely full for them) more shit? More shit on bigger ships so we don't need so many medium sized ones? But from whense should all these imports come I ask of thee? Or would we be gaining a few jobs from other ports, making this a purely political reason, NSW vs VIC, and if that's the case, I would give a shit. Besides which, where exactly is the port of Melbourne near to? Fuckin' Antarctica? Who wants shit from there?' "You gotta start charging more than a dollar a bag, we lost three more men on this expedition."

I still don't know, but that's my cynical stab at the situation.


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