Tuesday, May 08, 2007

LAST (thus far)

Fuck it.

Last last last.

Lastie lastie lastie last.

Welcome to lastsville, population: you.


Knock knock,
Who's there?
Last who?
Just last. Just plain old last. Not second last, not third, precisely last. I'ma get dat ballot, and put da fuggers last.


At 6:03 am, May 08, 2007, Blogger Justine said...

Sorry. No understand, and would rather read your blog than the newspapers :) I gather this is a Labour party ad slandering the Greens, and you are putting Labour last?
Or have the Greens gone bananas?

At 6:26 pm, May 08, 2007, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

There's been an epic battle waged on my potential ballot paper over which party scores last place - the ALP and the Liberals seem to be doing their best to achieve this.

Reluctant as I am to give the Liberal tweetletard's any credence, this latest act has nudged the ALP into last place.

Labor is spending it's funds (the donations of members, and those from unions - which is/was MY money) campaigning with whatever they can possibly spin in a negative way, with the aim of harming the Green vote.

Actually, this has a high rant-factor, so I might make it a post.

At 5:38 pm, May 09, 2007, Blogger Justine said...

not meaning to act le agent le provocateur, but aside from that ALP are trying to damage the green vote, wouldn't there be other parties more worthy of last?

what's more offensive: 10 years of JH, or the ALP trying to get elected?

At 10:34 pm, May 09, 2007, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

I would prefer a Labor win to a Howard win, but how can I protest their policies and tactics AND even remotely vote FOR them?

Would I prefer another few years of Howard if I knew that Labor would become progressive again? Yes I would.

I'd vote Liberal first.

Because it means completely DICK-ALL if Labor wins as the Liberal-lite. If Labor turned truly progressive, then even 3 More Years of hell would be worth the possibility of decent governance after that.

But in the real world my protest vote is hardly going to restore the ability of the Labor Left to have a say in the party's position, but they DO pay attention to the preference flows from Greens. They bluff the Green vote, assuming they'll receive preferences regardless of policy/tactics, knowing they only need to be a slightly lesser evil.

You have to call the bluff sometime.

At 2:15 am, May 10, 2007, Blogger Justine said...

you weren't joking about that rant factor :ΓΈ)

"they DO pay attention to the preference flows from Greens."
ok, that makes sense to me.

At 7:53 pm, May 10, 2007, Blogger Sarah said...

Um. Wow.

Because it means completely DICK-ALL if Labor wins as the Liberal-lite. If Labor turned truly progressive, then even 3 More Years of hell would be worth the possibility of decent governance after that.

You've got a very good point. Voting them in would only imply approval of such tactics, ensuring they continue to use them...

On the other hand, a Howard victory this time around will be an effective nail in the coffin of the union movement, who have made this election one of 'do or die'. It would be better to hope for a Labor victory with the balance of power going to the Greens in the Senate than have another Howard victory.

At 12:31 am, May 11, 2007, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

I'm sure my opinion strays from the regular Green voter - but I have a strong desire to see a Labor party I can admire. Labor's actions and policy continue to infuriate me, and I don't seem to have any ability to forget each of the individual episodes of disappointment.

But I DO forgive ALL of them whenever I preference the ALP.

Green preferences to the ALP is a given, it's guaranteed. It doesn't matter if they're installing a dam, and the HTV says vote ALP dead last, as was the case in a QLD electorate - they still went to the ALP. You run split tickets, they go to the ALP. Greens voters vote below the line, preference deals mean very very little, they vote according to their individual will.

I'm not blowing their trumpet, the data shows it to be the case, it's the psephologists that point this out.

What pains me is watching the ALP exploit it - thinking the Green preferences are guaranteed no matter what they do. That is very wrong and very upsetting.

I understand the 'but Howard...' argument, and I'll be drinking champa's and screaming glory glory on his eviction night, but as it stands, I have far too much rage against Labor, the party I helped elect (directly as well was with my Green vote), the party I fund with my union dues, and as it stands I wouldn't be voting according to my perceptions/principles if I failed to put them last.

At 5:39 pm, May 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Howard wins the next election I'm going to live in New Zealand, there's nothing left for me in this country! Preference Libs last ALP second last - pleeeeeeease

At 6:51 pm, May 11, 2007, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

There's a good chance I will vote Labor before Liberal, but either the ALP will have to impress me, or the Libs will have to distress me.

I can't change either party, so it's out of my hands.

At 10:46 am, May 12, 2007, Blogger Justine said...

psephologists. there, i just used that word for the first time.

its possible the libs will get re-elected. but i can't see it. do people like getting fukt by their government? its weird.

i still think labor in any form is better. they have that whole Labor battlers Ra-Ra-Ra culture, 'which side are you on' shit that would ensure a nice internal bickering adversarialism to keep everything nice and disputed. they could never maintain an economic-rationalist consensus.

At 10:48 am, May 12, 2007, Blogger Justine said...

"I can't change either party, so it's out of my hands."
OMG!!! Larry, is that a GOD reference??! ;)

At 1:19 pm, May 12, 2007, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Heh, no. Not a God reference. Unless you see Kevin Rudd or John Howard as Gods.

Which in some cases isn't far off.

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