Thursday, October 26, 2006

Heavy Torso-Garment Initiative

JOHN Howard has announced new plans to fight climate change. Dubbed the Heavy Torso-Garment Initiative, $455 million will fund an energy industry study into the effects of wearing a jumper instead of heating a household.

“This is a revolutionary proposal” claimed the PM. “It shows just how serious the Liberal party is about climate change, and the welfare of the planet and future generations. There is much research to be done in the field of external clothing layers, and the effect they have on the energy usage of average Australians.”

A spokesman for the energy sector welcomed the tax-payer dollars.


At 10:21 pm, October 27, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Or a tracksuit stuffed with loose wool of course. You gotta help the Ozzie farmer.

Because not to support marginal properties that strip mined the nurtients out of the soil and cleared everything and caused erosion is unaustralian.

At 2:19 pm, October 28, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

In the farmers defense, they aren't always informed with the best information, nor even encouraged to be concerned with the environment. It's both sad and ironic they're the first to be burned.

At 6:35 pm, October 30, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Yeah - many of these guys had inherited properties from soldier settlers of WWI and WWII - where soil science had not developed to a point where they could determine the nutrient load would exhaust. BUT that being said there were clues at the time - and many of those properties were handed out by bureaucrats without farming expertise to people without farming expertise.

At 8:46 pm, November 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exactly. Though the information has been there all along they just required the desire to put the environment before profits. Sometimes that hard when your trying to feed a family. Nevertheless its time now to really get it together environmentally. Otherwise we are all screwed.

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