Monday, October 09, 2006

What the grandkids will learn in history class.

USA: Yeehaw, we're gonna invade Iraq, they got WMD's.
IRAQ: No we don't.
USA: Sure ya do.
UN: Uh, where dude, I don't see any.
USA: I'll show ya, come on, let's go who's with me?
WORLD: We know why you want to go there, and it ain't WMD's, no war.
USA: Screw you Frenchies, who wid' me?
UN: I'm out.
ENGLAND: Sure, why not.
AUSTRALIA: Me too, me too!
USA: Dang these nucular weapons are hard to find.
NORTH KOREA: I have nucrear weapons!
CHINA: Dude, shut up.
USA: This isn't about nukes, this is about fighting terror.
NORTH KOREA: But we are really big terrorists, just ask Japan.
USA: Sorry, you are Asian, real terrorists are Middle Eastern, it wouldn't fly in the polls.
NORTH KOREA: I'm so ronery.
*more war*
USA: Mission Accomplished.
*more war*
USA: Got Saddam.
*more war*
SADDAM: More corn chips! Less froot loops!
*more war*
USA: Man, this war sucks, where are those dang WMD's.
CHINA: I… I'm not with these guys… really.
USA: Shut up North Korea nobody likes you.
NORTH KOREA: *fumes*
USA: Heeey, gratz on joining the mile-high-mushroom-cloud-club!
WORLD: Fuck.

Was it just a bunch of dynamite?

Was it a brilliant idea to let a rogue state maintain a reactor and plutonium reprocessing plant, then let it reprocess spent fuel rods, announce it has nuclear weapons, then test nuclear weapons, without maybe doing something about it?

Is my dick in the wind, or have all the Allies got theirs flapping about too?

How much oil do they have?

Do they want uranium, 'cause I know this bloke…

(Actually, he's the PM)

Are we looking at this in a negative light? I mean, their nuclear reactor is really helping climate change, and the spent rods are being put to a good use rather than being disposed of…


At 9:38 pm, October 09, 2006, Blogger Patrick said...

Love the summary Larry! lol!

At 11:22 pm, October 09, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Actually the problem is the no oil.

You see NK has nothing to offer the world. It can't even feed it's own people and its industries are archaic factories that make nothing except drugs to flood Japan with.

The only thing it can really export is the idea that it may lob a nuke.

Hence the nuke lobbing.

See, that's why. Makes much more sense now doesn't it?

At 4:38 pm, October 11, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

Spot on!

Hehehe "so ronery..."

At 4:46 pm, October 11, 2006, Blogger Gam said...

the north koreans want a peace treaty negotiated directly with the yanks, who still command all south korean troops. the us isn't inclined to sign a peace treaty with the north koreans, because... well, just because, ok?

successive north korean dictators have a handy dandy great satan to blame everything on, secure in the knowledge that said great satan will display predictable behaviour at every event. the timing of the nuke, right before american congressional elections, is no coincidence.

at least we know for sure that no one's going to be invading north korea anytime soon. on the other hand our government has sat on its hands and allowed the us to initiate a regional arms race that could make WWI look like a scrap in a sandpit.

japan, south korea, china, taiwan, vietnam, indonesia, india. all these countries will have another excuse for ultra-nationalism and buying shed loads of weapons systems. all of these countries have bigger and more capable militaries than we do. we have no political capital with any of them.

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