Sunday, October 22, 2006

Gary Anderton, honest politician.

Liberal candidate tells it like it is
Liberal candidate not afraid of 'political correctness'
Liberal candidate honest about party policy positioning
Liberal candidate's blog a slur on Aborigines

Notice how the mainstream media's liberal bias shines through? Headline courtesy of Fairfax.

A LIBERAL Party candidate for the state election has declared that Aborigines are congenitally drunk and violent, terror suspect David Hicks should be executed, and he has described an Indian-born doctor as a smelly dud.

"And?" I hear you ask? But get this - the pinko's at The Age just ASSUME that first paragraph will offend you. Seriously.

Gary Anderton, the candidate for the south-east suburban seat of Lyndhurst, posted the comments on his weblog in late 2004.

"Why is this news? Some candidate posted his views on his blog, what's the big deal?" Exactly! Bias, pure and simple.

The site has since been sanitised, linked to the Liberal Party's site, and all trace of the offending comments removed.

So powerful is the left-wing conspiracy, that they can pull the strings of Internet content through their political correctness machine. Even the Wayback machine at the Internet Archive now has only a single page of the blog, or as these socialists put in, the "offending comments".

December 22, 2004. Some crap about Swedish identical twin prisoners changing clothes.

November 30, 2004. Complains about the poor sentence that will be given to "crims" that shot a security guard outside a gaming room, they'll plead self-defence ('cause they were shot at first), get compensation and "Victoria will suffer". "This mans blood… will be on the hands of Steve Bracks." Notes that under Robert Doyle (who's not there anymore) "life will mean life", "25 years will mean 25 years." (I hate it when murders get compo and walk free, like.. that case, the one where.. OJ Simpson, yeah - damn Bracks!) He then calls for people to be killed if they've killed - praises lethal injections, and claims the premier should make sure they never be released from jail.

November 25, 2004. Once again, in this post Gary wants people dead. Titled: "Thomas - The Al-Qaeda Arsehole", he notes "I have no sympathy for Thomas at all. Isn't (it) time that we brought in the death sentence. (Die!) Why should Victoria's taxpayer(s) dollars be used to house this man who threatened the lives our our nation, our neighbours, friends and family? Thomas has obviously done wrong to be arrrested. (Arrested = guilt, trial = waste of time, police are entirely trustable - well, aside from that massive mistrust/corruption issue they're in strife for at the moment) It's the same with David Hicks. He was physcially (sic - and by sic I mean Gary fucked up) caught shooting at Australian and American forces in Afghanistan, and he is pleading he has done nothing wrong.

OK, physically shooting is wrong, but mentally or metaphorically shooting at Australian troops is even worse. Turns out, the indictment of Hicks was voided, and no specific acts of violence were alleged. Which does seem a little odd, because "being physcially (sic) caught shooting at Australian and American forces" is probably serious enough to have been mentioned in his indictment. Dunno why they left that out.

Anyway, Anderton continues: "They are not true Australian's (true?), they dont have the spirit of the ANZACS (can I get that at my local bottleshop?), the determination for freedom and world peace (via war I imagine). It's time to take their lives before they take ours. Together, we can get rid of these arseholes." (Kill kill kill, bit of a theme.)

November 24, 2004. Possibly racist(ish) joke about Greek and Italian stereotypes, won't repeat it.

November 14, 2004. We Are Not Sorry. "A fantastic website dedicated to those Americans who voted for President Bush in the election held November 2nd. They have uploaded there (sic, it's fully sic mate) pictures to say to the world, there (sic and tired of writing sic) vote will not be determined by the world, there (ffs sic) vote will be determined by the strength of the leader and the determination to have a world united through peace and the destruction of terrorism."

Can you tell he wanted to say "united through peace, and the war on terrorism" - but just rephrased it? Statistically, those people have changed their minds now - should probably have another website: "OK, We Are Finally Sorry", or "Sorry for not being sorry before, but we're sorry now, we fucked up, people died, yeah, sorry."

November 13, 2004. Gary notes "terrorist leader" Arafat's death, says we should congratulate Howard for pointing out Arafat sucked, and the French and UN aren't serious about terrorism because they lamented his death. (Theme continues - death + bad people = good).

November 12, 2004. Lets Get Rid Of State Government. Gary notes people complain about Bracks a lot, calls his legislation stupid. (That's all I can find.)

The Age has hold of some dooseys:

"Anglo-Saxon Doctor Please"
Gary complains about going to the GP and being seen by "an Indian doctor, of all things, that absolutely stunk and obviously received a full fee degree. In other words, (he had) no idea."

After asking the clinic for an "Australian doctor, that could speak English and was youngish (hopefully female)", he was treated by an "Asain (sic), male, 50s, and had a speech lingo (sic) as good as Melbourne Lord Mayor (John) So".

(What sort of a psycho asks for an "Australian" doctor please? If I went to get my prostate checked, I might ask for a different doctor - if the one on offer was an 8 foot former wrestler with fake nails and loose fitting digital-jewelry... Not that I'm bitter.)

"One warning for this General Practice, one more dud, and it (sic) three strikes (and) your (sic) out," he wrote in the posting on October 25, 2004.

In another entry, "Australian Aboriginals Are Racist As Well", he wrote: "I could go back to genetics … the majority of Australian Aboriginals have a drinking or physical abuse disorder. The percentage is higher than another (sic) cultural group …"Let's be honest, Aboriginals and success do not necessarily go hand-in-hand … Aboriginals are 'ignorant, discriminatory and prejudicial individuals'." (He claimed whilst the smirking kettle prepared its rebuttal.)

Asked by The Age this week about the comments, Mr Anderton admitted they were inappropriate.

"I repudiate those comments and I apologise for any offence caused," he said. "I am from an ethnically diverse background, with members of my immediate family being Malaysian and Aboriginal." ( my racism is less racists, because I'm ETHNIC, and some of my best friends are ETHNICS, some of 'em strait (sic) of (sic) teh (sic) baot. (sic))

(You repudiate those comments ONLY because they're bad for your career arsehole. If you never wanted to be a politician, they'd still be flowing.)

Mr Anderton said he had cleaned up the website about 18 months ago, before he was endorsed as a Liberal candidate as "part of my personal website redesign".

(Let's see, website redesign time... I might go for a blue motiv, customize the style sheets, hmm.. make it more viewable on 1600 resolution with non-fixed fonts, ditch the 800x600 compatibility, uh.. new title graphic, aaaaand, let's see, what else.. I know, remove the entries where I call for murder and make racist remarks! Oh, and get one of those adorable little weather-pixie things. Neat.)

A spokesman for Ted Baillieu said he accepted Mr Anderton's retraction and the Liberal Party was "happy for his words (on the matter) to speak for themselves".

(He's not even resigning, not even being chastised for fucks sake! "Hey, whatever that bloodthirsty bigot says is cool by me!" doesn't really inspire much faith Ted.

Mr Anderton, 24, is billed on the updated version of his website as a "voice for the local community".

(Yeah, I'll bet. He'll be the voice - you think it, he'll say it, then retract it. Dog whistling, but with robots.txt files.)

But Lyndhurst, which includes parts of Springvale Road, is among the most highly multicultural electorates in the state, with more than 50 per cent of electors born overseas, including large Vietnamese, Cambodian, Sri Lankan and Indian populations.

(Fuck me, how does he tolerate the smell?)

He was uncertain when asked by The Age what had prompted him to become politically active, saying,"It's a really weird question because I don't know the answer to it." Asked about his views on multiculturalism, he said, "I don't think the Liberal Party has released their policy yet."

When the issue of his blog was raised, Mr Anderton initially claimed he was "heading out now, I'll give you a call back". He later emailed the apology.

(Nice work Fairfax.)

Aboriginal academic and education expert Dr Mark Rose said Mr Anderton could be "the best weapon Labor has. The Liberal Party should really think about his extremely racist comments, which are ill-founded, and ill-supported by intellectual capacity," Dr Rose said. "He's playing in the wrong sandpit."

In contrast to Mr Anderton's comments on the Indian GP, the state Liberal Party has a policy to "attract more doctors to country Victoria by recruiting 150 doctors from interstate and overseas".

As federal opposition leader in 1996, John Howard disendorsed Pauline Hanson for her racist comments during the election campaign.

Let's see this chap. Here he is:

Now, there's a few notes I've chucked on there, and I'm sure he approves, on why he's not a real Australian.

"Gary is a Gaming and Hotel Duty Manager."
Admit it, he's a bouncer. A large, Maori bouncer. Look at him, he wants to see your ID, and to know if those are steel-caps. But we can fix this...

There we go! Now he's full of ANZAC spirit! There's just one thing I forgot..

Excellent, that'll deal with the smell.


At 6:50 pm, October 22, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

Hmmm. Poor confused man.

He sounds like he should have signed up for One Nation but the Libs were the closest viable alternative.

I love the diagram with the A Current Affair-style 'stamp'!

At 10:06 pm, October 23, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

Awesome stuff man. Do you have any links to an archive that might have that?

At 4:23 pm, October 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the conroversy surrounding Anderton will be as damaging as the controversy surrounding Timmy Holding, his Lynhurst nemises, when he was reportedly involved in the use of a laminating machine to create fake student ID cards in the run up to student elections when Timmy was attending Melbourne University and studying Law! As we know, Timmy is now Police Minister.

At 4:31 pm, October 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a long diatribe written by Larry Bonewend!!!

Are you sure his surname is not Bonehead?

Grow up dickhead. Went to school with Gary Anderton and he is part Aborigine.

So how " UnAustralian" is he?

At 6:41 pm, October 27, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

Mikey -

Lyndhurst needs a 25.1% swing, I don't think it's in much danger, even less now - we'll probably have to tolerate Holding for a while yet.

And thanks for the Anonymous posters 8 minutes apart who are probably, Optus from Tally Ho, Victoria who searched The Australian Index for Gary Anderton.

Thanks for the update on his being half aboriginal, I must have missed that when I quoted him saying "I am from an ethnically diverse background, with members of my immediate family being Malaysian and Aboriginal".

Of course, this is a license to be racist. Being "ethnic" must be a license to be racist - it was used by him as a defense. Which sucks because I'm white, and therefore can't be racist (not that I would want to be).

I thank you for your witty jibe making the Bonewend-to-Bonehead link, you're the second person to make that stunning connection, and kudos to you.

Allow me to retort Mr Anonymous, or should I call you Anonyrat. (Yes, it sounds lame, now you're catching on!)

I was tempted to put a satire warning on the image (what with the whole blogger-racism thing going on), but figured even nutters can understand the concept of context, and wouldn't be confused by that mystifyingly hazy idea of satire.

And I have failed, and I do apologize.

Yes he's very Australian for being Aboriginal, which is a +100% bonus, but being Malaysian is only 15%, he's not white, that's a 20% penalty on the total, but is living in Australia, which adds 56.66%.

Or, yknow - maybe we shouldn't be so stupid as to attempt to quantify "Australianity".

At 11:14 pm, October 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have also heard that Tim Holding was reportedly involved in the fake student ID cards - scarey considering he is now Police Minister! God help us! Also there was something about The Age Journo that wrote Andertons article was a mate of Holding at University.

Gee thanks Larry for your comment 'we'll probably have to tolerate Holding for a while yet'. You really made my night. He has done bugger all for Keysborough, and discussing tonight with my friend who lives in Lynbrook he's done "f-all" there as well. I'd love to ask Holding where to get a job that pays mega-dollars that I don't have to work for 4 years.

In regards to Anderton, it just doesn't gel with me. Aboriginals are so proud of their culture. Seems like dirty political tactics by Andertons opposition leading up to an election.

At 2:12 pm, October 28, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

It's probably not fair to single out Tim Holding for inaction, I imagine it's party policy for Vic state Labor.

They know they'll win again, just as long as they maintain the status quo, and don't do anything foolish.

But then the arguments start on what constitutes 'foolish', and then nothing gets done, which is where we are now.

I cannot vouch for much of The Age's claims, the archived remains of his blog are sparse, and have been removed from his site, which is suspicious, and he doesn't deny making the comments, he "repudiates" them (which is a nice weasel word, which can mean that he denys them). But in the same breath he apologises for any offence caused.

Plus it is obvious grounds for a defamation suit if it's a complete falacy, and I imagine that'd be the first comment one would make, just after complete and utter denial.

Is it part of a smear campaign? Most probably - someone tipped off the journo, stories don't just appear out of thin air, and the major political parties are dirty. They probably held onto this one just for the election - it's gold.

Are the claims substantiated? Most definately.

At 12:14 am, October 30, 2006, Blogger stopmyabortion said...

"I could go back to genetics … the majority of Australian Aboriginals have a drinking or physical abuse disorder. The percentage is higher than another (sic) cultural group …"Let's be honest, Aboriginals and success do not necessarily go hand-in-hand … Aboriginals are 'ignorant, discriminatory and prejudicial individuals'."

Umm, if Gary Anderton is aboriginal as he claims, why would anyone want to elect a guy who says he's an "ignorant, discriminatory and prejudicial" individual, and is genetically predisposed to drunkedness and failure?

At 6:22 pm, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think that Gary Anderton has ever said he was Koorie but that his immediate family was Aboriginal. Heard from other blogs that his brother and sister are Koorie, so would have been brought up in that culture. To be fair on Anderton the whole Age article regarding Aboriginals should have been published, not bits and pieces. Am I right or wrong in saying that the 3 dots are pieces that have been left out of article. Interesting. Another thing is that the Indian doctor thing doesn't co-incide with his writings on his blog eg. Everybody has been saying the terrible grammar etc, but the blog that is shown, shows a different side to his writing. Not alot of grammar mistakes in those articles. Age article about the Indian doctor is confusing, noticably missing from his blog is the indian doctor and aboriginal comments. Ummmmmm. OK I admit it I am becoming an Anderton supporter. I personally think that this is all bullshit.

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1 - Go on the food court. Feel it or not, the food court would be the absolute finest location in the shopping mall to meet a gal. Here's what you do. Choose a food spot and get in line for your meal. When you were in line, appear close to the location wherever everybody is seated and eating. Seem for a chick seated alone, or even two ladies sitting together. When you've got your meal in hand, walk over to wherever she or they can indeed be seated and consult if you possibly can join them. If you're sincere and straightforward with them, your odds are pretty high-quality.

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The general complexities of men's and women's fashion

Both women and men could have the difficulties of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's style usually seems a lot less complicated. Of course, for both genders, clothes and style options may be just as complicated, and there are lots of'fashionable'items that can quickly become fashion faux pas - who can say they frequently see people travelling in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style features a few staple items which will exist forever - which man is going to watch out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for instance? Choose basic pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why traditional men's style is timeless

The basic man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous options for various functions, but they are all common in their search for a clever, sharp look for the individual. The best part about common fashion for men is that it is effortlessly trendy simply neat. A well-groomed lady can almost always appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will be used to work in several jobs because of the professional look it provides to the wearer, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be used to several social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing flexibility that allows suits to be worn in just about all functions is what gives it its classic side and a lasting place in men's fashion.

Modern trends in traditional men's fashion

Although basic men's styles will never be changed, it is interesting to observe that changes in men's fashion trends have produced particular traditional clothes back into fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, particularly, has taken back a wide-variety of classic models into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy man. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet lavish way, placing value on appearance and acting in a polished approach. This trend for nearly'over-the-top'classic fashion for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and girls of all ages dress yourself in obviously Victorian-style clothing and decide to try the streets on vintage cycles - with most of the men wearing flawless mustaches! That is just one of many samples of evidence exhibiting the resurrection of such styles. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on line which concentrate on gentlemanly type - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as entire websites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.

In conclusion, though specific facets of basic men's style could be brought back as new movements, the simple garments that they are based on will never fall out of fashion.

"All it will take are a few basic garments. And there's one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant

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