Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I sometimes wonder if television stations even care who's watching anymore.

Channel 10 tonight (from 6):
The Simpsons
Neighbours (made for UK audience, cash cow for network)
The Simpsons
The Wedge (there to comply with compulsory Aussie-content percentage)
Rove Live (there to comply with compulsory Aussie-content percentage)

From the standard:
The Australian Content Standard requires all commercial free-to-air television licensees to broadcast an annual minimum transmission quota of 55 per cent Australian programming between 6 am and midnight. In addition there are specific minimum annual sub-quotas for Australian (adult) drama, documentary and children’s programs.

The high respect Channel 10 has for local content is shown by exceeding the 55% requirement - with a whopping 58.3% (they could have squeezed 12 more minutes in there!)

Although, in reality - there are so many badly-dubbed US ads the quota is not really met.

Now, to get off my moral high-horse - w000t - lot's o' Futurama on CH10!!!1


At 4:28 pm, August 16, 2006, Blogger Sarah said...

For one scary second I thought you were having a go at channel Ten for showing Futurama!

It's good enough to see something on Ten that's not Big Brother; it's a real bonus to see something worth watching!

At 5:30 pm, August 17, 2006, Blogger Larry Bonewend said...

True. I'm just glad there's SOMETHING to watch on commercial television that isn't another lame reality TV show that's been squeezed out, or a thinly-veiled infomercial posing as an actual program (ie: Getaway).

I think a better example of how they just don't care anymore are those late-night gameshow things (As Seen On The Chaser.)

At 12:40 am, August 18, 2006, Blogger Mikey_Capital said...

If it's going to be US schlock, then Futurama is high quality schlock.

Hey don't those late night game shows count as Oz content too?

They have the same production values as Krusty had when he broadcast out of the emergency civil beacon hut with a scorpian and battery as his only props.

"They bite, they light, they bite, they light, they bite..." etc.

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